We can't hide it, we don't like paper. With the mass accessibility of mobile devices such as iPhones, iPod Touch or Blackberrys, there has become less of a need to carry any type of paperwork with you. That being said, we understand that not everyone is ready for a head-on, 100%, pure... digital age! So, because you asked, we've added one small update to your feature list that allows you to print your daily tasks.
This is how we do it:
One Task
1. Go to Task Status List
2. Click on the Task that you want to print
4. Print
Multiple Tasks
1. Go to Task Status List
2a. Hold the Shift key and Click on the group of Tasks that you want to print
2b. Hold the Control key and Click on the Tasks that you want to print
2c. Press on the Control key and the 'A' key on the keyboard to select all tasks to print
4. Print
oh...and because you asked, when you print the task...we've made the fonts bigger on the paper too! Enjoy version 2.3.5!